SECRETS genuinely HAPPY PEOPLE never told you

Nayab Shiekh
4 min readOct 29, 2020

We all secretly envy people who live life to the fullest. Wonder what they are doing to maximize life? Clear your life of the negatives and get your mojo back by following these secrets of genuinely happy people.

Life isn’t always a walk in the park. One day you are feeling cranky and crappy and the next thing you know you are chirpinh like a bird! Happiness is not something readymade; it is a mindset and comes from within. While you keep going to a job or doing chores you don’t like, repeating the same routiene day in and day out, it is easy to feel less than grateful for the life you have. No matter what kind of problems you’re dealing with, how old you are or where you live, you deserve to be happy- it’s as simple as that. It’s time to face the fact that you’re in control of your future, and finally do something about it!


It is not happy people who are thankful; it is thankful people who are happy. While this may seem simple enough, our minds tend to focus on what we’re missing out on instead of being grateful for everything we already have. It’s easy to feel like you don’t have enough when everyone on your social feed appears to be doing cooler things than you. You can incorporate this unparallel trick into your daily life by meditating first thing in the morning, surrounding yourself with positive people and focusing more on others than yourself. When you start comparing yourself to the people who are in worse conditions than you are, you’ll slowly start to see a positive change in your disposition and overall outlook on life. It will take discipline and self control, but really, aren’t things you work hardest for worth it in the end? Therefore, focus on the good things you have.


Happy people also tend to mind their own business. While other people get caught up in other people’s relationships or stress out about who said what to whom, you need to focus on the things you have more control over. Paying attention to your own life and letting other people live theirs is a simple way to maximize happiness. So the next time you hear what your so-called best friend has to say about you, take a deep breath and move on.


Bad days happen. You spill coffee down your shirt running out the door, you accidentally blurt out the name of your crush in front of a gossip girl and so on. There are plenty of instances where anger, disappointment, and anxiety are totally reasonable reactions, but they don’t have to be your final reactions. Learning to let go of the little things you cannot control will allow you to focus better on the positive aspects of life. While those small things totally suck, there’s something great around the corner that is more worthy of your time and energy.


Instead of focusing on money and relentessly pursuing career advancement by working long hours, the happiest people focus more of their time on personal relationships. At the end of your life, you won’t remember a lot of the time you spent at work. Rather, you will value family meals and that time when you pulled some hilarious prank on your friends. Putting people before material things is a powerful tool in achievinh happiness.


Why fret over trivial things when life itself is a gift? If we are healthy and have supportive people backing us, what else do we need? While unhappy people tend to dwell on the past and worry about the future, happy people live in the moment. They are grateful for the now and focus their efforts on living life to the fullest in the present. Their philosphy is simple: there’s a reason it’s called the present- because life is a gift.


There is one golden rule these super smart people follow: we rule, we rock! When you truly embody this principle (and no we are not talking about it in a self obsessive way), then there is no stopping you. Failure doesn’t seem to be a dead end anymore since then you know your potential and realize that everything happens for a reason. You naturally pick yourself up and keep trying; instead of holding on to things you let go of them and look forward to what life has to offer next.


Spending too much time on your phone and obsessing over social media is a bad habit that almost each one of us has, but looking at pictures of other people’s vacations and drooling over the delicious desserts they had isn’t doing anything for you. It’s important to remember that nothing on social media is ever the whole story, that the messy and chaotic part of life is usually hidden from public view. Instead unplug yourself and go offline by reading a book or painting your nails. By just signing off, you allow yourself to live your life instead of watching to live your life instead of watching other people live theirs.


“Thankyou”. There it is. Straight and simple. Saying thankyou is an easy way to pay it forward and make everyone’s day a little brighter. It may not come out naturally but in the long run, it’s guaranteed to increase your happiness. Whether it’s a friendly checkout cashier at the drugstore or a co-worker who holds the elevator so you can jump in, there are plenty of opportunities to appreciate the little things. Understand that your words are the best tools you have to make yourself and those around you happy.



Nayab Shiekh

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